Todays nippon paint game was very tactikly played by azeem becourse he took few second to call the second prize but he took long time to find the winner and the looser i feel sorry to sevone team
dhanalakshmi is a irritating bee kick her out
janani soththu mootai another nolli bee
robert bjp bayangare jollu party
kadhir is an asshole
shivin mamee of the house
niva is cuttie pie
Todays nippon paint game was very tactikly played by azeem becourse he took few second to call the second prize but he took long time to find the winner and the looser i feel sorry to sevone team
dhanalakshmi is a irritating bee kick her out
janani soththu mootai another nolli bee
robert bjp bayangare jollu party
kadhir is an asshole
shivin mamee of the house
niva is cuttie pie